Income Verification
We are happy to announce a new feature within Rentvine's Application and Screening Platform, Income Verification. Just released is our income verification feature using the Plaid integration that allows Applicants to authenticate with their bank and provide transactions so that you are able to verify their income.
Rentvine partners with Plaid to give you the most robust income verification integration in the industry. Verifying an Applicant's current income and employment are an essential part of the screening process. Not only does this ensure Applicant's can afford the rent you set in place for your rental property. But you'll know whether or not the monthly income information they provided on their application is correct.
If you decide to activate the Income Verification Section within the Rentvine application template, then anytime an applicant clicks to verify their income through this feature, the system will generate a $5.00 fee to your account per each report. This fee will show under the Settlements (Payouts) report under Income Verifications.
Visit Our Knowledge Base Articles
What Does an Applicant See When Completing the Income Verification?
How do I View the Applicant's Completed Income Verification Report?