New Features and Enhancements
NEW- Reporting Enhancements
Sticky Column Headers – Keep headers visible as you scroll for better context.
Sticky Footers – Total amounts and subtotals of grouped data remain visible at all times.
Collapsible Row Groups – Easily expand or collapse sections for a more streamlined view.
Column Pinning – Cross-check numbers faster by pinning important columns to the left or right for quick reference.
Drag & Drop Columns – Customize your report layout by rearranging columns effortlessly.
Copy/Paste Cells – Copy and paste individual cells for improved data handling.
Resizable Columns – Adjust column widths with a simple drag for optimal readability.
Updated Interface - Updated interface for increased usability and ease of use
NEW - Markup & Discount Enhancements
Property-Level Markup Settings for Billing
Users can set Markup at property level defined as percentage, flat, or none.
New ability to set a max and min amount for markups at the property level.
PM has the option to set a max % amount or minimum $ amount for markups at the property level within the property details page’s “Accounting Settings” line items with markup amounts on respective bills and invoices will have their “markup” column values auto-adjusted based on the max and min amount set at the property level, but users will have the option to manually change that amount if they wish.
New Vendor-Level Discount Update for Billing
Add ability to add a flat rate amount. Can already set percentage or none
New ability to set markup and discount amounts at the bill charge level
User can edit per bill charge line item the markup or discount amount
NEW - Gen AI Assistant
A brand-new AI Assistant has been introduced! You can find it in the top right corner under the sparkle icon.
Available AI-Powered Actions:
Add a Bill: “Create a bill for [vendor] for [amount] due [date].”
New Lease Charge: “Create a Lease Charge for [amount] for [tenant] for [description].”
Record Tenant Receipt: “Record a payment of [amount] from [tenant].”
Record Owner Receipt: “Record a contribution of [amount] from [owner].”
Add Tenant Credit: “Add a credit of [amount] to [address].”
Voice-to-Text Support: Click the microphone icon and speak the task you want to complete.
NEW - Tax Reporting
2024 Tax Reporting Year Added – ensuring compliance with the latest requirements.
IRIS File Downloads – simplifying data exports for reporting.
Real-Time Updates: Any changes made in the tax reporting screen now automatically update vendor/owner contact records.
NEW - Rentvine Website Update
Rentvine’s website has been completely redesigned with a modern look and improved navigation, making it easier than ever to find content and resources.
NEW - Performance and Security Upgrades
We’ve upgraded our Backend code and front-end dependency versions to make Rentvine more efficient. These updates also strengthen security, keeping your experience safe and secure.
Timeline Improvements: When viewing a bill’s timeline, you will now see the user who initiated the payment instead of “System.”
Global Search Enhancements:
Added Invoice Autofill Template to the navigational options.
Introduced voice search—click the microphone icon in Global Search to search using your voice.
CashPay Settlement Automation: CashPay settlements now automatically reflect when they settle in the bank account.
Slack Integration Update: The Slack Marketplace Approval process has been updated—Slack integration is now fully approved, removing previous setup warnings.
Alert Formatting: You can now add a new line of text within any alert for improved formatting and readability.
Improved Add Property page with a more intuitive interface and better error handling.
Increased accuracy of property locations when using the “Open in Map” feature.
Screening and Applications
Application & Screening Warnings:
A warning now appears when running a screening report if another application is already in process, helping avoid duplicate screening fees.
A second warning appears when a screening report has already been run to prevent unnecessary charges.
Screening Report Enhancements:
Added a “Partially Completed” status for reports missing sections.
RentGrade report messaging now indicates pending reports (e.g., “Waiting on Criminal Report” or “Waiting on Eviction Report”).
Criminal report now includes an expected completion date that updates in real-time.
Criminal and Eviction reports now provide a direct link to reports, even when no records are found.
Verbiage Update: “Run Credit Report” has been updated to “Run Screening Report” for clarity.
ID Verification Error Messaging: When resending an ID verification, an updated error message now states: “The Applicant’s postal code must be a 5-digit number.”
Application Restrictions: If an applicant has not fully submitted an application and the property listing is removed, they will no longer be able to complete the application.
Unit Entry Notices: Required notices are now included when using the Send Invitation option for unit entry.
Auto-Sharing Invoices: When processing invoices via the Rapid Invoice Screen, you can now enable automatic invoice sharing with owners. (Enable this in Settings → Owner Portal Settings → “Auto Share Invoice on Bill” toggle).
Sales Tax Banner: A sales tax notification now appears when adding a bill if a sales tax percentage is applied.
Vendor Credit Update: The Attach File section has been added when creating a new vendor credit.
Bill Cloning Improvements: When cloning a bill, all original bill details will now carry over, including:
Payee, Bill Date, Due Date, Invoice/Reference #, Description
Service Account #, Billing Start/End Dates, Work Order #
Bank Account, Payer, Charge Account, Amount
Tenant Contact Restrictions: A tenant contact cannot be deactivated if they are linked to a pending or active lease, preventing accidental deactivation.
Payee Name in Payment Info: The payee’s name is now displayed within the payment information section for all owner and vendor contacts.
Work Order Photo Notifications: You will now receive a notification when vendors upload issue or resolution photos to a work order. (Manage this under Personal/Account Notification Settings → “Work Order File Uploaded by Vendor”).
Automated Work Order Status Updates:
When a bill is created from a submitted invoice, the system can now automatically update the work order status based on pre-configured settings.
Project Due Date Visibility: A “Due Date” column has been added to individual project views within work orders for better deadline tracking.
Recurring Work Order Restrictions: A deactivated vendor can no longer be linked to a recurring work order.
New Lease Widget: “Closed Leases with Deposit” widget was added to track closed leases with security deposits still attached.
Filter & Verbiage Updates:
The “Is Refund Issued” filter was renamed to “Is Refund Issued During Move-Out” for clarity.
A New “Has Deposit Balance” filter was added to lease widgets to track leases with active deposit balances.
New Recurring Work Order Report: View the frequency and next occurrence of all recurring work orders.
Enhanced Filtering Options:
Added “Not In” filter across all areas where the “In” filter is available.
The “Not In” filter was added to the Maintenance Category on the Work Order Report.
New Date Comparator: “Less/Greater than Today” is now available in the Work Order Report.
Report Enhancements:
The Cash Flow per Property report now displays the selected date range and portfolio filters when included in an owner statement.
State and ZIP codes are now included in the General Ledger Report when adding the property column.
Resident Portal
Resident Notice Formatting: When adding a resident notice, text can now be formatted into separate paragraphs instead of automatically wrapping.